Day 183- 4/4/10

A beautiful Easter Sunday, and a chance to get out on the golf course.

Today also marks six months since my move over here. I've started to think about the blog, and how long to keep it going. A year seems like a nice time in my mind, but I know some people would enjoy it for longer. However as the top of the blog states "A photo a day to document my move..." I would think that after six months the idea of the physical move would be complete?


  1. Happy Easter ! I'd miss your blog!! Perhaps you could re title it ..." A Canadian menagerie of Great Britain" or "Perspectives of a Canadian in GB" or .... ???

  2. Well, now you and Eli will have something in common. I'll still keep looking if you post something every once in a while. I do like your pictures.

  3. I like the tree picture. It works well centre framed. If only trees could talk, I feel this one would share quite the tales.

  4. What do Eli and I have in common?

    This tree would probably talk about the many bad golfers it sees! ha. I can't get enough of tree pics, I feel like we dont have any at home that look old and narled (knarled?) like this!

  5. Ha! You and Eli, what do you now have in common? Well ... sorry the phone just rang. You'll have to figure that one out. Gotta go, love your trees.


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