Day 197- 18/4/10

By now you've heard about the Icelandic volcano and the mess its causing not only here in the UK but around the world. It's so crazy to think about it and scary too. When things have happened in the UK in the past it seems another world away, but now that I live here its so different to be in the middle of it.

They say that soon the ash could start raining down, acid rain. Health concerns for those with breathing problems, and if you smell a sulfur type smell to stay indoors.

Of course there is the flying issue which is on my mind with people close to me stuck in locations that they did not intend to be stuck in. Lets hope the wind starts to blow.


  1. and in 1821, the same volcano managed to erupt for more than a year.

    Just read this on a news site about the Icelandic volcano. I won't even try to spell it.

    Hope things change soon.

  2. Yikes! Never thought about acid rain from it! Take care kiddo.

  3. WOWOZERS!!! crazy... does acid rain burn through a brally?

  4. Yes...frightening!
    As for acid rain burning through a brolly....good question.

  5. Although these things usually do seem much farther away this is one that has seemed to affect the entire world. There are many daily news stories on it in regards to travelers abandoned, airports losing money, etc. etc. Pretty wild. Hopefully the wind takes care of it soon!


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