23/1/12- What are you reading?

Christmas put a bit of a hold on my reading, I couldn't even get through one book! 

Now that the holidays have passed, and life is a bit more regular here are my two reads for this week. First this Lonely Planet book... It's interesting so far. Nice to read about people moving to a new country- I can relate. 

The second is not a book, but a magazine. A friend suggested I have a flip through her 'Oh Comely' mag over Christmas and I loved it. It's a British mag (So, you can get it in Canada but its a bit pricy), 4 quid at your local WH Smith. It's an interesting mix of artsy/domestic/unique/warm your cockles sorta stuff inside. 

What are you reading?


  1. I like your choices for winter reading!
    The Cat's Table was a lovely read I just finished for Book Club ..same author of The English Patient so you can't go wrong with a little Micahael Ondaatje. Beautiful use of language and descriptive character and setting. Plus is wasn't too long of a read over Christmas!

    Now I am devouring the latest in the Flavia de Luce series by Alan Bradley, "I am Half-Sick of Shadows" - did you ever start them? Flavia is so wonderful and the books are just an entertaining read/mystery all round. Next up is "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" by Betty Smith. I am going to go find my Oh Comely! mag now as you reminded me I never finished reading it! Happy Cuppas with Books!

  2. Ooooh, A Home Somewhere sounds great - I'll have to give that a read. Thanks for the recommendation! I am currently reading an Audrey Hepburn biography, and just finished the Hunger Games trilogy, which was really good!
    I agree with Wendy that the Flavia de Luce books are brilliant!

  3. I love your blog Elle!

  4. Currently: A Game of Thrones. I was planning on taking a break from the series to read The Sisters Brothers and The Fault in our Stars but the next season of Game of Thrones is coming out in April (which is based on the next book) so I'd like to get through it before that happens. That and with school I have hardly any free-reading time so who knows...


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