Taste of Britain Tuesday- Tea 2/8/11

Hello blog readers!

I will admit, I am feeling a bit lazy, and on these warm days I am in no mood to bake. (Though would love a slurpee- but they don't exist here!)

I wouldn't go without posting a blog on Taste of Britain Tuesday though, but its a simple one- Tea.

If you are British reading this, you could probably comment on what a cuppa means to you. Lets be honest, of course we have tea in Canada, but here, tea seems like an institution.

A secret for you, I never used to put milk in my tea before moving over here. Now I wouldn't touch a cuppa without it! PG Tips is the standard tea here that everyone has, and I quite enjoy it. I can't seem to find a replaceable tea in Canada for when I am home.

I've blogged about tea many times on here before: Tea with my cousin, Irish tea, and listing tea as one of my top ten loves of England! (That last link is a good one to read more about me rambling about tea!)

But for today, lets simply just take a min, put the kettle on and have a cup of tea to finish the day.


  1. yumm! I love a cup of tea after dinner. That said I have started to sway back to the way of coffee. I drink a lot of tea when I am studying or in school because drinking cup after cup of coffee just isn't good for you.

    Seeing as we have some PG Tips - care of you - in this house I think I'll make a point to go get me a cuppa. Wonderful :)

  2. ohh you can drink tea allll day long in my house! I love your post Amanda!

  3. I kind of wish I wasn't but i'm more of a green tea girl . x hivenn


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