Taste of Britain Tuesday- Victoria Sponge. 28/6/11

A exciting day here at "This is Great Britain", the first installation of Taste of Britain Tuesdays.

Every tuesday will feature a British food (or drink), allowing me to share with you a recipe that is quintessentially British. There are so many different foods here than at home, why not share them?!

Today's first Taste of Britain Tuesday (or TBT in short) is Victoria Sponge cake by Nigella Lawson.

It's a beautiful and light cake, and perfect for raspberry season- right now. I have a baking guru here in the UK that I am lucky to know. She bought me these double cake tins, used for a layered cake such as this. She's also shown me the beauty of creaming very hard butter and sugar, and whipping up a cake without a recipe. She also explained that making a layered cake does not always need to be for an event, but just a regular day. I agree.


  1. OMG this looks delicious! I want this right now ;)

    xo katie elizabeth

  2. That looks delicious. I wish I had been around for the first TBT! I look forward to further additions of this.

  3. ahhhh ... LOVE the new installment. What a fab idea (if i do say so myself! - kidding!). No seriously, what a great way to mix the everyday british life with well ... everything else!

  4. Oh it was delish, and you know what? Very easy to make too!

    Sorry Teira, I should have made this when you were around :(

    Shawna, good idea! hah. It's going to challenge me to make something British every week as well- and if its a load of cakes, so be it!


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